County Educators FCU
County Educators FCU
16 East Lincoln Ave.
Roselle Park, NJ 07204
Phone: 908.245.0173
Fax: 908.245.5953
Welcome to County Educators Federal Credit Union
Credit unions are unique because they represent a movement with objectives different from those of other financial institutions. As not-for-profit financial cooperatives, the primary objective is to provide services to members, rather than making a profit for stockholders. Our goal is to help you profit. Credit union members are part-owners of their credit union; credit unions are governed democratically, with each member having one vote.
CEFCU was organized in 1935. Our purpose then as it is now, is "Providing Personal Financial Services for Generations." Because CEFCU is a not-for-profit financial institution, we return the profit to you, our members, in the form of higher savings rates, lower loan rates and a growing number of free products and services.
As a member, all of your accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, the strongest of the U.S. government agencies to insure deposits.
Once a Member, Always a Member
We currently have over 18,000 members and exceed $60 million in assets. Almost 8,500 members now use our Payroll Deduction and Direct Deposit plans. Take a moment to discover all the ways the Credit Union can benefit you throughout your entire life. Once you become a member of the Credit Union, you can remain a member even if you retire, relocate or change jobs.
Offering Products and Services for a Lifetime
For over 65 years, CEFCU has been helping people like you achieve their financial goals. We are proud of the wide range of valuable financial services we offer, from affordable Checking and Savings programs to convenient low-cost lending services. Take a look around in our Products & Services Section.
Who Can Join - Our Field of Membership
The unique structure of a credit union limits eligibility to a Field of Membership defined by a common bond. Specifically, you are eligible to join if you belong to any of the following groups:
School Employee in Union, Somerset, or Hunterdon Counties;
Student in Union County (students residing at or attending school);
Employee of an approved Employee Group;
Immediate Family or Household Member of an existing CEFCU member or an individual who qualifies for membership in the provision above.
Lending Solutions
Home Loans
1st Mortgage Center
New and Used Vehicle Loans
Personal Loans - Savings Secured Loans - VISA® Credit Card
