East Orange VAH FCU
East Orange VAH FCU
385 Tremont Avenue
East Orange, NJ 0701
Phone: (973) 672-2073
Fax: (973) 678-1024
Email: eovahfcu@verizon.net

East Orange VAH FCU is a not-for-profit financial cooperative owned by its members. Credit Unions were founded on the idea that through a cooperative financial effort, individuals sharing common bonds could benefit. Credit Unions promote thrift, and income is passed along to its members in the form of higher dividends on savings accounts, lower interest on loans, or new and improved services.

East Orange VAH FCU was established in 1953. Our credit union is charted by the State of New Jersey, and is federally insured to $250,000.00 by the NCUA.

© Copyright 2009 East Orange VAH FCU
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