Millington Savings Bank
Millington Savings Bank
1902 Long Hill Rd.
Millington, NJ 07946
Phone: (908) 647-4000
Fax: (908) 647-6196
About Us
Founded as Millington Building and Loan in 1911, in just one room on the second floor of the old Coriell Building, Millington Savings was destined to become the area's "Community Minded-Customer Focused Bank". Since the very beginning, we have strived to provide our customers with the best service possible, while embracing a customer-friendly attitude and paying special personal attention to their banking needs.
Big Banks may have many branches but Millington Savings Bank has deep community roots. Over the years, we have added many new services so our valued customers can do all of their banking at one bank-- an institution that has been part of this community all of its business life.
Because we are "neighbors serving neighbors", we go that "extra yard" for our customers, from qualifying individual borrowers to providing financing for local churches, fire departments, first aid squads, schools and the like.
We offer a full range of financial services, savings and investment plans; one of the best checking accounts in the state; home mortgage and equity financing; personal and auto loans; business banking; and 24 hour banking convenience. Serving the financial needs of our customers through community-minded service and quality products has always been the prime concern of our Board of Directors and staff.
We are deeply appreciative to our many customers and friends for the confidence they have placed in us over the years. Rest assured, Millington Savings Bank will continue its long-time tradition of commitment to our customers and our community!
