1973 Washington Valley Road
Martinsville, NJ 08836
Tel: (732) 667-5041
We sincerely thank you for taking the time to read about us and utilize our services. We recognize that we are in business because of you, our valued clients. Your needs and ambitions are paramount in all we do. All of our efforts are focused on what you are seeking to accomplish. We determine your financial goals, and then work diligently and do everything in our power to deliver the desired results. If we know our desired outcome upfront, getting there is always much easier.
Many of us, through our years of experience have achieved extraordinary results for our clients. We know, however, that in order to consistently deliver outstanding results, we must commit ourselves to consistently performing the ordinary business tasks in an extraordinary manner. While you should always expect outstanding results from us, we commit to keeping you well-informed and at ease throughout the entire process. Whether we are financing your first home, an investment or commercial property, or negotiating a short sale of property, or lowering your monthly payments through a loan modification through our sister company, Mortgage Modifications Concierge, you will always know what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what we are seeking to accomplish.
Great, but what does this all mean for me? First, our combined decades of experience are always at your disposal. Our principals and employees have an abundance of experience in residential and commercial lending. Whether you are purchasing your first home, purchasing a second or vacation home, we know how to place you in the best available financing. Our commercial lending department provides financing for all types of commercial buildings, warehouses, malls and developments throughout the United States. We have litigation experience working in the areas of foreclosure, negotiating short sales, working alongside of your realtors, and negotiating with bankers, financial institutions and attorneys. Whatever situation you may find yourself, we have the practical experience to handle your challenge and determine the best solution for your particular case.
Whether by phone, text or email, we are available weekdays, nights and yes, weekends. If we are with another client when you call, we promptly return your call. As always, you are our first priority. We are never too busy for our clients as you are the ONLY reason we are in business. Most importantly, we recognize that we are usually assisting you with one of the most significant financial decisions of your life. The decision you make is very important to you as well as your loved ones. We NEVER have, nor will we ever take our responsibility to you lightly. We will place you in the right loan at the best possible rate. We will modify your mortgage to reduce your payment to one you can afford. We will assist you in short selling your home through our sister company, Mortgage Modifications Concierge. Our ultimate goal is to make sure that the financial solution we achieve results in your future being filled with financial stability and success.
